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A Boutique Podcast Studio for Campus

Every voice has a story and every good story needs a voice.

Step into UC San Diego's boutique podcast studio experience– a dedicated space for budding storytellers to explore their voice in the medium of podcasting. Located on the fourth floor of the Design and Innovation Building in Room 411, STUDIO 411 is furnished with high quality audio recording equipment in a sound dampened room. Enjoy clean audio the way you want without the hassle and cost of building your own studio, all from campus. 

STUDIO 411 is free-to-use space that was designed for our campus community- students, faculty and staff- to reserve and record content. Time slots are offered in one- hour increments so if you want to step into the world of podcasting, just book your slot. Be sure to review our What to Expect page before coming to record. It's that easy. Our studio can accommodate up to 4 mic'd guests at a time. In-room green screen and digital monitor available. 

This is where your stories can come to life. Innovate and be heard.


Studio Hours

The studio is open for Winter Quarter for the following hours:

January 6 - March 14:

  • Monday - 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday - 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
  • Friday - 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Please note the hours change each quarter. Reservations are made through our online booking platform Skedda. Registration with Skedda is required. 

Reserve Now!

How do we sound? 

once-scientist.webpListen to how the studio sounds when Nick Edwards sat down with Julio de Unamuno IV to discuss increasing science accessibility and supporting scientific innovation ecosystems in Episode 73 of the Once A Scientist podcast. 


With the many ways to get here, coming to campus to see the DIB for yourself can be easier than you think... and faster!

Stop by today!